
Typo Blunders – What is Woolworths Selling?

Woolworths made a typo on their website that left customers scratching their heads over a particular product.

When the major supermarket uploaded their new Woolworths brand Fried Rice to their online shopping platform, the product image was mislabelled as ‘Special Fried Rice Liquid Stain Remover 250g’.



Amused customers quickly took to Facebook to point out the mistake.

“I dunno how this works but I’m interested to hear anyone’s ideas!” one Facebook user shared.

“I’m interested in knowing how this product works? It seems you can eat it but use it as a stain remover at the same time!” joked another.

Woolworths has since rectified the error and responded to the Facebook discussion with a bit of humour…

“We’re sorry to see that the rice is named in conjunction with a stain remover,” a Woolworths spokesperson said.

“We definitely won’t let this stain our reputation.”

This was a minor, innocuous mistake, easily fixed and caused practically no damage to the Woolworths brand, but it can always be worse.

Check out the unfortunate typos that have happened to other brands over the years.


1: Original


2: Valley News


3: Bird


4: Google


5: Southbendon.com


Typos are easily made and can happen to any brand. While online typos are quicker and cheaper to fix than in print, that doesn’t mean that you should take less care. Make sure to take your time when proofreading and get another fresh pair of eyes to double check any work before it goes live.

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